COVID-19 Resources
The Nonprofit Management Center of the Permian Basin has compiled a list of resources to assist nonprofits during this time. We will continue to keep this page updated with resources for your organization's benefit.
COVID-19 West Texas Survey - July 2020
Website Resources
Working from Home: A Guide to Creating a Healthy and Productive Workspace
It covers important topics such as: The pros and cons of remote work for employers and their staff, the wider impact on society and the environment, and technological and cultural challenges need to be addressed. Eye-opening statistics and surveys of work from home (WFH) employees: 68% felt more productive at home, 80% said WFH reduced their expenses, yet 57% also felt more stressed from working remotely. Understanding the biggest challenges faced by remote workers: dealing with stress, anxiety, and maintaining work-life balance at home. Practical tips and advice to set up a productive and healthy workspace at home including links to other useful resources.
Odessa Chamber of Commerce COVID Resources
Permian Strong: Community Needs/Opportunities Submission Form
COVID-related Policy Creator which includes: 1) COVID Extended Sick Leave Policy, 2) COVID Remote Work Policy, 3) COVID Travel Policy, 4) COVID Reimbursement Policy. (FREE)
Health and Fitness:
Video Workouts
Mental Health and Stress
Remote Working Tools: https://www.inc.com/jason-aten/these-5-tech-companies-are-providing-free-remote-working-tools-during-coronavirus-outbreak.html
Family First Act FAQs: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/pandemic/ffcra-questions
Required Posting for the Family First Coronovirus Response Act:
Poster (Non-Federal):
Non-Federal Employees
Poster (Federal):
Federal Employees
Human Resource Information: https://www.thinkhr.com/covid19/The National Council of Nonprofits has a good summary of “What’s in the Bill for Nonprofits”. You can access that summary and related information at the following websites:
CARES Act:Paycheck Protection Program - April 6, 2020
Presented by Frost Bank; Hosted by NMC PowerPoint PresentationZOOM Recorded Meeting
Payment Protection Flexibility Act (PPFA) - June 5, 2020
- Partial PPP loan forgiveness remains if 60% threshold not met
- Joint Statement by Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin and SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza Regarding Enactment of the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act
EZ Forgiveness And Full Forgiveness Application - June 17, 2020
SBA and Treasury Announce New EZ and Revised Full Forgiveness Applications for the Paycheck Protection Program
US Small Business Administration: SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to COVID-19
A Checklist for Home Health and Hospice Boards Facing a National Crisis -
American Retirement Association - CARES Act Summary
-Benefactor Group:
Donors & the CARES Act-Benefactor Group:
Fundraisers & the CARES Act
COVID-19: A Toolkit for Nonprofit Decision Making
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Participation of Faith-Based Organizations in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (EIDL) -
Independent Sector - Leading During a Pandemic
IRS extends more Tax Deadlines; EO Operations affected during COVID-19 and more
Paycheck Protection Program Loans FAQs
US Chamber Small Business ELA Loan Guide